History of Dunbar's
Horse Drawn Popcorn Wagons
Street Popcorn Wagons
These Wagons were gathered from Dunbar catalogs that span 20 years: 1905-1934. During the 28 years we have been researching Dunbar & Co we have seen, copied, and taken pictures of many catalogs. Catalogs at the beginning of the century were not dated so at first we did not know when these catalogs were published. We now date these by two methods: 1) By the Glue Chipped Name Signs and then finding these names in the sales records of Dunbar & Co, 2) Charles Cretors, Sr. collected his competition's catalogs and date stamped them as he received them. By using the Cretors dates we feel we are within a year's time of the release of the Dunbar Catalog. Thanks to the Cretors Company for collecting the Dunbar catalogs, date stamping them, saving them, and recently giving internet access to the Dunbar catalogs.
Please note that usually the Cost of the Wagon and the Model No.
of the Wagon are the same.
Click on each Dunbar Model below for more information
Also Dunbar records show they made the following models:
- Model 1500 - at least 2 were produced
- Model 1150 - at least 6 were produced
- Model 1000 - at least 3 were produced
- Engine No. 1 - at least 14 replacement engines were sold
- Engine No. 2 - at least 2 replacement engines were sold